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In my country, we had to do something about the nearly 70 thousand killings and countless violent crimes that annually tore apart the Brazilian population. Life is the most basic human right. Our policemen were the preferred target of crime.

Abarca tanto los ideales políticos saiba como las normas operativas de un gobierno, y es el producto tanto por la historia do un sistema político como por las historias do los miembros de este.

30 marAltas autoridades militares renunciam coletivamente em resposta a tentativas do presidente Jair Bolsonaro por politizar Forças Armadas.

According to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, Brazil has the ninth largest economy in the world by purchasing power parity (PPP) and the tenth largest at market exchange rates. It has a diversified middle-income economy with wide variations in development levels.

It looks like you were misusing this feature by going too fast. You’ve been temporarily blocked from using it.

Pelo debe confundirse República con Democracia, pues aluden a principios distintos, la república es el gobierno do la ley mientras qual democracia significa el gobierno do la gente.

Al menos 38 presos han muerto y 69 han resultado heridos en un incendio ocurrido esta madrugada en una cárcel do Burundi, informó o presente martes el Ministerio del Interior do este pequeñeste país de África del Nosso.

They want and deserve to enjoy the same rights as all of us. I want to make it clear: Brazil will not increase its already demarcated indigenous lands to 20%, as some Heads of State would like it to happen.

Portuguese is the only official language of Brazil. It is spoken by nearly the entire population and is virtually the only language used in schools, newspapers, radio, TV, and for all business and administrative purposes. Moreover, Brazil is the only Portuguese-speaking nation in the Americas, making the language an important part of Brazilian national identity.

Una familia en Inglaterra se vio forzada a dejar su hogar, jair bolsonaro últimas notícias morreu hoje trabajo y escuela despufois de añESTES do hostigamiento por parte por sus vecinos.

Cuando es a la vez jefe por Estado y jefe por Gobierno: en este nosso caso el presidente nombra este designa a todos los integrantes del gobierno en forma exclusiva. Estos regímenes políticos se denominan presidencialistas, en ellos suele existir una clara división de poderes, y los presidentes pelo tienen la capacidad por disolver el Congreso, aunque suelen ser jair bolsonaro idade tambié especialmenten colegisladores.

For the first time in a while, a pro-America Brazilian president arrives in DC. It’s the beginning bolsonaro jair twitter of a partnership focused on liberty and prosperity, something that all of us Brazilians have long wished for. You have a president who is a friend of the United States who admires this beautiful country.

Pitiful,” said Eduardo Bolsonaro. “If they had been organised the invaders would have seized the Capitol and made pre-established demands. They would have had enough firepower to ensure that non-e of them died and to be able to kill all of the police officers inside or the congresspeople they so despise.”

W e cannot accept that a President, Macron, issues inappropriate and gratuitous attacks against the Amazon, nor that he disguises his intentions behind an ‘alliance’ of the G-7 countries to ‘save’ the Amazon, as if it were a colony or pelo man’s land.

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